Dear Gurus
We have 11 levels of approval process for an AR . This approval process is through the workflow. One of the approver has resigned and we are manuallly forwarding the AR's to the next approver i.e agent by using Transaction code SWIA. Is there any method other than manually forwarding or can we delete the resigned person id and a add new id the AR's.
IF so please let us know the method how we can solve this.
TTT.01.00020 - workflow X. In this workflow we have defined the agents 1 to 11.
Person involved Partner Name Address
Approver 1 aaaa aaaa
Approver 2 bbbb bbbb
Approver 3 cccc cccc
Approver 4 dddd dddd
Approver 5 eeee eeee
Approver 6 fffff ffffff
In the above example approver4 has resigned. I need to replace the approver 4 with a new approver.