I have done the integration between HCM and standalone PPM system with the note 363187 and information from links below to create BP in PPM-
Integration of cProjects and HR - Product Lifecycle Management - SCN Wiki
PPM - HCM Integration with Business Partners
For ALE, I am doing this -
O - Update mode - Infotype: 1000,1002,1028
S - Update mode - Infotype: 1000,1002,1028
P - Insert mode - Infotype: 1000,1002,1028
O - Insert mode - Infotype: 1000,1001,1002,1028
S - Insert mode - Infotype: 1000,1001,1002, 1028
Central Person, Position and Org. Unit with relationships are created in PPM. BP for Org. unit is created correctly. But, the BP for Person is not getting created in PPM. After checking RPM_EMPDATA, I only see the CP created but no BP, Username, Name assigned.
The IDOCS are in Green status. HRALX/HRAC is Active, OBPON=ON, PBHR=ON.
Any thoughts on why the BP is not getting created?
Also, does the BP related to the Person have to exist in HCM (if it is a valid HCM object) already as an object to successfuly create the BP in PPM?
Thank you